The 3 Hats of a Life-Centered Planner

Under our Life Centered Planning approach, only by starting with the Life Planner hat to determine what you are working towards, can we then begin to put together a detailed financial life plan for you and your family. Once we know what your resources are for, and if you have enough, then can we make recommendations for your assets and investments.  


Life Planner 

A life planner takes the time to understand your entire situation, and determine what you are working towards, and what you'd like to achieve and accomplish in life. This is not only focused on financial objectives, but working to get the best life possible. With this hat we seek to answer the question, What is it all for?  

Financial Planner 

A financial planner takes things one step further, by working with you to develop a personalized financial and cash flow plan. The two main questions that need to be answered by any financial planner are How Much is enough, and Do I have enough?  

Financial Advisor 

This is what most people think of traditionally when thinking about financial/investment advisors. These advisors tend to be focused on investment management and products/solutions. We believe however that we have no right to recommend any type of financial product without first wearing the other two hats.